Upcoming events show on this page while events that have ended can be shown on the Past Events page. You can also show a Monthly Calendar. You can set events to recur automatically and show events in widgets as this page’s sidebar demonstrates.
Men’s & Women’s Bible Study takes a break during the summer.
Listen to KLPZ, 1380 AM every Thursday morning at around 9:30 AM for Tales From the Scrypt – Stories You Can Believe In. Louie will be retelling a Bible story each week in what will hopefully be a dramatic fashion, yet remain true to the Scriptures.
We have one worship service year-round that meets at 10:30 AM. During this service, we offer a nursery space and class for K-6th! The music is a mix of contemporary and traditional, leaning towards the new. The message is straight from God’s Word with a special emphasis on application so that you can not just learn what the Bible teaches, but how you can make it work in your life.