We are putting this page up on our site to keep everyone updated on what we are doing, and what we aren’t doing, because of the Corona Virus and whatever restrictions it, or the legal authorities, place upon us.
We will be meeting again starting May 3rd, but we’ll only allow 30 people in the sanctuary so be aware of that. We will also continue to live stream the service on FaceBook, and hopefully it’ll show up on this site as well. We are sorry for the problem we’ve been having with that are working it.
Greetings to La Paz County Churches and Houses of Worship
I wanted to bring you up to date on COVID-19 and the affects this disease is having on La Paz County residents and visitors.
The La Paz Co. Health Dept is working closely with a number of local and state agencies to combat COVID-19. We are working with both La Paz Regional Hospital and Parker Indian Health Services, local physicians, law and fire agencies as well as adopting accepted practices through the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
As of this writing (17-March-2020) there are ZERO identified COVID-19 cases in La Paz Co. Likewise, there are currently zero cases that we are investigating as possible exposures. As quickly as this virus has spread throughout the world, we have no doubt that at some point we will see cases in our County.
The Health Dept is asking you to share this information with church members, staff members and other ministry members. We have a lot of information on the La Paz County Website, the La Paz County Health Dept Website, as well as La Paz County Health Facebook page. Additional information can be found at the Arizona State Health Dept Website as well as the CDC Website. Links are listed below.
We are also asking you share this information to help people from possibly contracting COVID-19:
- Wash your hands. Vigorously wash hands as long as it takes you to sing the
“Happy Birthday” song.
- If washing hands is not an option, please use a hand sanitizer.
- If you or a family member become sick, stay home! Refrain from being around others, including other non-infected family members.
- Greet one another with a fist bump, or elbow bump. Refrain from shaking hands and hugging.
- For Houses of Worship that provide Communion, we are asking during this time of the COVID-19 outbreak that those participating in partaking of communion do not share the same cup.
- Recent guidelines from Fed, State and Local government agencies are asking that gatherings of ten people or more be discouraged. It is hard to say to our churches you should not allow more than ten to gather. This is a recommendation. If possible, maybe have 2 or 3 church services instead of 1 so as to have less people in close proximity during services. If you have the ability, livestream services so people can watch on phones, tablets, other devices.
- If available, offer hand sanitizer.
- Please post signs asking people to maintain social distancing whenever possible, to provide at least 6 feet distance from each other. Please ask people who are sick or who feel they may be sick to stay home.
- Consider canceling any potlucks and other church social events temporarily.
- Continue to pray for those that are sick, become sick, and for our country during this outbreak.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Health Dept 928-669-9364
Please keep in mind that the Covid-19 outbreak is a novel virus. There currently are no antivirals, or vaccines to help prevent the spread of illness. When such medicines are available, the Health Dept will host clinics throughout the County.
For more information;
La Paz County Health Dept web page: https://www.lpchd.com/
La Paz County Health Dept Facebook page: @LaPazCounty.HealthDepartment
Az Dept of Health Services: www.azdhs.gov/coronavirus
Center for Disease Control: www.cdc.gov/COVID19
Thank you!
Greg Bachmann
Emergency Preparedness and Response Coordinator
La Paz Co. Health Dept.
- We are canceling our Easter Potluck.
- Starting this Sunday, 3-22-2020, we’ll be holding our live service as usual at 10:30 AM. However, we will also be streaming the service live on Facebook Live from the Church FaceBook page. It will start at 10:30 and run through till the end of the service. While it won’t look great, you should be able to hear everything clearly and we’ll also be putting up the sermon outline on our FaceBook page early so you can have that as well if you want it.
- We will have an announcement soon on how those at home can share in the Lord’s Supper with those at the church building soon.
- We encourage everyone to continue giving to the church. You can give by check of course or you can go to our church website – christschurchontheriver.com and give through PayPal, using your credit card, there.
Please keep all of this in prayer and pray for CCR’s leadership daily! God bless you call and more news later.